Monday, July 22, 2024

First Time Meeting My Niece's Husband

We first "met" my niece Erika's husband in December 2020 in a virtual reunion (Read here). That encounter happened just less than two months after they were married on 27.09.2020 in UK.

We finally had a chance to meet this couple physically on 20.07.2024, about two months short of four years since their wedding on 27.09.2020. Erica is the younger of the two daughters of my youngest brother.

In conjunction with the couple's visit to Sabah, my brother organized a family's dinner at a local restaurant in Inanam Capital to enable us to meet up with this young couple. After the dinner, the whole group adjourned to my house for a glass of beer and chit-chat.

My niece's other half, Dan, a college music teacher is chatty and he claimed to love durian. Unlike my wife and I who do recreational cycling for exercise, he cycles daily to work covering a distance of 50Km to and return. As he said, this one and a half hour routine is sufficient as a daily exercise for him!

Group photo in my house.
My niece was married in UK on 27 September 2020 in the midst of the Covid pandemic which started in early 2020. I remember soon after we came back from our cruise to South America, in one of our morning cycling to Karambunai Nexus Resort Hotel, we were stopped at the hotel entrance by the security guard to have our body temperature checked (Read here). We were then not aware that it was the beginning of the Covid 19 pandemic that would soon engulf the whole world into chaos.

None of her family members in KK was able to fly over to UK to be present in the wedding ceremony. But thanks to IT technology, we were able to witness the wedding ceremony via Zoom.
I recall having blogged about my great grandfather who first came to Sabah in year 1909 (Read here). Now after 115 years, many of the 5th generation have moved to other countries like Australia, Singapore, USA and UK. Now, this niece chose to settle down in UK and married a British. Another niece, a daughter of another brother moved to US and married a US citizen of Chinese descent.

Nowadays, moving to another country to find greener pastures is becoming a norm rather than a rarity. This phenomenon started in my generation and has since accelerated in my children's generation!

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