Thursday, July 11, 2024

Another Unexpected Departure of Former High School Classmate to Eternity

On Monday, 8 July, a former Form 6 classmate in Sabah College texted in the Class 69 Chat Group that Lau Vui Ching has passed away. 

In actual fact, I am not a student of Sabah College Class 69. But I got to know some of them when I joined the Form 6 Class of Sabah College in 1970-1971. They added me into their Chat Group and invited me to join their reunion dinner in 2019 (Read here). I belong to Lok Yuk KK Class 69 (Read here).

The news of the passing of Lau Vui Ching was indeed unexpected. In the Sabah College Class 69 Reunion held on 13 April 2024, Vui Ching was conspicuously absent from the series of photos taken (See here). His deteriorating health must have prevented him from joining. The end of life could never be scheduled and is beyond the control of each individual!

As a non-member of Sabah College Class 69, I was surprised to see my name being included as one of the members of the Class in the wreath delivered to the Funeral Parlour to convey the condolences!

At the Funeral Parlour on 10.07.2024, I met Vui Ching's older brother, Siew Ching. Coincidentally, Siew Ching was my colleague when I worked at Permodalan Bumiputra Sabah Berhad from 1984 - 1988 (Read here).

Based on conversation with Siew Ching, the late Vui Ching was not aware of any health issue even up to March this year. In January this year, he visited Melbourne where his son now stays and took the chance to watch the Australian Grand Slam Tennis Open 2024.
A photo of late Vui Ching in Melbourne shared by classmate.
His health issue started to surface in March when he had chest pain and breathing difficulty. After numerous rounds of examination and tests, it was confirmed that he had lung cancer. Unfortunately, he died before the oncologist could prescribe the treatment for him.
I am sure Lau Vui Ching will be missed by the Class of 69!
Good time during Form 6 period in 1970-1971. Left photo from left: Ar. Lam Choi Sing, Chin Hin Pok, Lau Vui Ching and me at an outing to one of the islands near KK. Right photo from left: Me, Lau Vui Ching, Jumaat, Edward, Ken Wong, Richard Liang (partially hidden) and Kok Yee Siang during break of a basketball match.
The autograph he penned at the end of Upper Sixth in 1971.

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