Friday, December 25, 2020

Family Get-Together

2020 is an unprecedented year. Because of Covid-19 pandemic, borders of countries are shut and even within country, visits to neighbours are restricted.

This year, our annual plans to visit our children's family in Australia and Singapore were pulverized. With the latest news of the mutation of a more lethal strain of the Covid-19 virus, the hope for overseas  trips and tours may be further delayed.

A new norm nevertheless has emerged. Friends, family members and even unrelated individuals found new way to connect. Zoom and many similar video communication platforms have gained instant fame to link people all over the world virtually together.

In the absence of an actual physical get-together, there are no shortage of ingenious ideas to connect family members together. Our grandchildren in Perth are really good at coming up with games to keep the rest of the family especially the younger ones entertained.


Our latest granddaughter was born in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Until today, we have yet to cuddle and hug her. Yet through online get-together, we are glad to see her growing up fast day by day.

As in some cases of sibling rivalry, older kids normally take a bit of time to adjust to the perceived "rival" from the new addition to the family and a sense of loss of attention time from parents and grandparents. In one of the online chats, Livvie introduced her grandparents as "uncle and aunty" to her new sister :)


Unlike previous years, the traditional annual Winter Solstice family reunion dinner could not be held this year. Instead, an online virtual reunion was organized. It brought together the extended family members from West Malaysia, London and Perth Australia. Unfortunately, the Australian signal was poor and the participation from Australia was rather minimal. It nevertheless allowed the rest of the family to get to know a new member to the extended family - Dan Partington, the hubby of Erika who now reside in London.


This year, the whole big family from Malaysia, Singapore and Australia celebrated our grandson, Nathan's 10th birthday online! While, we could not actually taste the birthday cake, it was compensated by creative fun time contributed by all!

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