Thursday, June 06, 2024

Stone Kiln Roast Chicken in Segamat

One of the thrills in driving tours is to have an unconventional meal at the least expected location. I recall in the driving tour to Kelantan way back in October 2016 in one of the evenings, we decided to have dinner at the Kg. Kulim Restaurant which is known to serve Coconut Shell Fire Roast Chicken (Read here). It took us quite a while to finally locate the place after numerous searches!

After checking into the VIP Hotel in Segamat on 26.05.2024, my wife suggested to have dinner at "Segamat PG", a restaurant which she discovered in the website.  This restaurant is known to serve stone kiln roast chicken (瓮窑雞). A google search indicated that the restaurant is tucked deep in an oil palm plantation which is 18Km away from the hotel.

We depended entirely the google map to lead us to our destination. Upon reaching the spot, there was no sign of the restaurant. Of the few track options from the spot to choose from, we finally chose the sealed road after trying two other tracks. This sealed road eventually led us to the restaurant. 

The proprietor is indeed ingenious to come up with such idea of marketing their roast chicken. The concept is rather similar to the tandoori roast chicken offered in the Indian restaurants. Instead of the urn used to roast the chicken parts, this particular outlet created a kiln by using blocks of stones cemented together by concrete and the interior is lined with a metal sheet.
Once the lid was lifted, we noticed the kiln is lined
with metal sheet
To be honest, there is nothing exceptional about this form of roast chicken after trying out one. For tourists and visitors, it is probably the remoteness of this outlet plus the paraphernalia used to roast the chicken that arouse the curiosity of diners!
The outlet also serves fish caught directly from the huge containers next to the restaurant. We did not order the fish dish since our stomach were still partially full with the bak kut teh eaten in our late lunch!

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