Sunday, October 29, 2023

Kite Flying with Grandchildren

Flying a kite is probably one of the most exhilarating experiences a child can have. I recall flying kite with my grandson, Nathan way back in September 2013. Nathan was barely three years old then and his sister was just a couple of months old. At that age, he had yet to fully grasp the skill of kite flying. (Read here).

In our recent trip to Perth, the grandparents together with Nathan and Grace had twice gone out to the huge open field not far from their house to fly kites. Initially, Nathan and Grace did struggle a bit to get the kites up flying at the sky. But once the kites caught the wind and soared into the sky, their sense of pride, joy and accomplishment was all over their faces. They ran and yelled happily as they watched the kites flying through the wind.

Kite flying did bring back fond memories of my days spent in the village way back in the 1960's (Read here). There is major difference in kite flying then and now. Back then, there was no ready-made kites for sale in the shops and we had to make our own kites from scratch using bamboo cut from nearby forest and thin coloured translucent paper bought from book shop.

In the second session, my granddaughter managed to have advanced her flying skill - she attached the string connected to the air-borne kite to her belt and simply lied on the ground. She was mesmerized and contented looking at the soaring kite lifted high by the strong wind! This is indeed the ultimate achievement of her kite flying skill!

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