Sunday, September 01, 2024

24-Hour Outing to Kokol Haven - Part 1

As I recalled, I was surprised to discover that CG's in our Church hardly organize outings for their members.

The last outing our family had with our Church group was at least 35 years ago before our Church moved to adopt CG system. Back then, it was called the fellowship group. We went to Sandakan for our first outing with Chio Cheng Leng's family and the family of Chan Kok Woh.

The latest outing organized by our CG lasted a mere 24 hours. With just 10 participants, this turned out to be both exciting and relaxing. We left for Kokol Haven at 2.00pm on 29.08.2024 and returned home at 2.00pm the next day. Surprisingly, we had achieved a lot within such short span of time. Weather had also been exceptionally kind to us. The night before until late morning, it was raining heavily. But by the time we commenced our trip, it was bright and sunny all the way until we returned the next day afternoon.

Checking in at the Reception Counter.
Upon check-in, we had afternoon tea/coffee at a platform just below our Sunrise units facing east. Its only drawback is the lack of a table or tables. Snacks and drinks brought along by different group members to share among the group truly made the tea/coffee break an unforgettable event!
Afternoon view of Mount Kinabalu after check-in.

Many come to Kokol Haven to catch the sunset view. Because of the heavy rain the night before and the following morning, thick cloud partially blocked off an otherwise glamourous sunset view. Still, there was a tinge of orange and mild red!

Since  our last visit to Kokol Haven in September 2019 (Read here), the hotel owner has put in place more facilities for visitors specifically for photo taking!
The man group.
The lady group.
Our first day ended with a pre-Mooncake Celebration immediately after our dinner. Our CG leader and his wife were generous to share a box of moon cake of unconventional design!

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