Monday, August 19, 2024

She Surpasses Them All!

Ten year ago on 18.08.2014, my wife celebrated her birthday in a hotel in Tetbury, UK (Read here). Much has changed since then.  Our third grandchild, Livvie was born in January 2017 and the fourth grandchild, Madeleine in April 2020.

For the occasion, we had a simple meal at the Pound, a steak house at the Jesselton Mall. Typical of many families in KK, we did not have the luxury of family members joining us to celebrate the occasion. Children are now residing in other parts of the world. But, we did receive congratulatory messages and birthday greetings and songs from faraway family members and our grandchildren. 
Whether it's a coincidence or by deliberate choice, my two grandchildren in Australia chose to sing "My Love Loves Me" as a prelude in their birthday wish. The song did arouse much pleasant and sweet memories. The song "My Love Loves Me" was chosen to be played during the wedding processional order of our wedding blessing ceremony way back in April 1979. This song originally "Plaisir d'amour" is a classical French love song written in 1780 by Jean Paul Egide Martini.
Livvie in Singapore chose to do a presentation of her skill in making and dressing up her hand-made doll - a feat truly remarkable at her age!
I count myself exceedingly blessed to have my wife as my companion for the last fourty-five years which is a reasonably long period of time. 

Indeed, I would say, "Many women do noble things, but she surpasses them all!"

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