Tuesday, August 06, 2024

"Be Careful" Vs "Take Risk"

In the recent D6 Conference, one item that set me into thinking for quite some time after listening to a story told by the key speaker, Scott Turansky:

One day I took my young grandchildren to the playground. There was a mother who also took her child there to play. While watching my grandchildren played, I kept hearing the mother saying frequently to her kid, "Be careful, don't do that!". After hearing this numerous times, I could not take it anymore and shouted to my grandchildren, "Take risks, take risks!".
Parents understand that teaching children to be strong and courageous aligns with the concept of allowing then to take risks and face challenges head-on. Children are to be taught to embrace taking risks when facing challenges.

While this ideal is well understood, yet, the struggles of parents in handling this is never a straight forward case. The nagging question is: How far or to what extent that children should be given the freedom to take risks.
My wife told me of a conversation she had some time ago with my youngest son, Paul soon after he observed us doing regular cycling after we started cycling in late 2017. 

When I was at high school, I took the bike you bought for us and cycled all the way to Tanjong Aru with another friend. Had I asked for permission, I knew that the answer would be a "No". So I decided to do it without your knowledge!

Come to think of it, would I have given permission to a young teenager son to ride a distance of 8.5Km from Taman Kim Leng to Tanjong Aru passing through highway with heavy traffic and then back? It would probably have been a "No"! To be honest! 

We are sure Paul is not the only one among the children to have done numerous things behind our back:) They knew that their parents would most likely decline their requests because the parents were not ready to take the risk!

Come my grandchildren generation, I noticed they were given much more leeway and freedom to take risks and try new challenges. Afterall, No Pain No Gain!
From my encounter with my grandchildren, Gracie is observed to be more adventurous and is a risk taker. Even at age 2, she dared to do certain stunts some may not consider venturing into (Read here).
During our holidays in WA in September/October 2023, we had great time doing things with our grandchildren together, observing them crossing from one level of risk to another level!
I don't remember hearing "Be Careful" from the parents when their children ventured up the tree! But then, this is what I call "supervised risk" that they ventured into :) (Read here for more).

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