Monday, September 23, 2024

A Short Visit of Ex-MU Fifian from Melaka

Ever since my graduation in early 1978, our family and Jenny's families met up whenever opportunity arose. Our most recent gathering was in September 2023 when we flew to Seremban to join the health retreat in Aenon (Read here).

My wife, Jenny and I got to know each other when we entered MU in 1973 for our tertiary education. We all stayed in the 5th Residential college. Later on during their post-graduate study for the Diploma in Education in MU, they were roommates staying in a house in Section 17, PJ.
This is the earlier photo taken in 1981 when my wife was holding our first child Serene and Jenny her first child Timothy. Both were pregnant then with their second child. Unfortunately, Jenny's second child, Nicholas died of sickness when he was just seven years old. Jenny has three more sons after Nicholas' death - Isaac, Daniel and Mathew. 
Another more recent old photo of the our three children taken together with Jenny's three sons. Jenny's three sons are Timothy (left), Isaac (standing at right) and Daniel (seated at right). Our three children: Serene (3rd from left), Samuel (2nd from left) and Paul (4th from left).
Lunch at Akiborneo
Jenny and her husband, Patrick at right.
In our latest meet-up, I had wanted to take a group photo in our sofa which we did in 2005 and again in 2018 (Read here). Unfortunately, we were in a hurry to leave for the airport that we forgot about it!
Breakfast at the patio in our home.
Still, this is the next best shot which we took at our patio during our breakfast on 21.09.2024.
Taking advantage of their latest trip to KK, Jenny was keen to meet up with another ex uni-mate, Lam Kee Hing whom we got to know in 1973 when we entered MU for tertiary education. We managed to find just over an hour to have yamcha on 20.09.2024 with Kee Hing just before he went for his pre-booked birthday celebration dinner with his wife. Coincidentally, 20 September happened to be Kee Hing's birthday!
Yamcha at Phoenix Star Cafe.
There is another coincidence - Jenny and my SIL flew in the same flight to KK on 20.09.2024. My SIL came to KK for a short tour with her friends. We picked all of them from KK Airport and brought them back to our home for a short break before we sent my SIL and her friend to their hotel in KK.

With Jenny in the company, there would not be a dull moment. She would churn out story after story or more precisely miracle after miracle which happened in her life!
All ears listening to Jenny telling her stories!

We all agreed that at this stage of our lives, meeting old friends is a key activity that brings joy and happy moment!

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