Sunday, April 02, 2006

Another Dream Becoming a Reality at STS

Last night, we attended a launching dinner for the proposed new Multi-Purpose Education Centre for STS. This is another massive project costing RM10m-RM12m to build. A new auditorium will be part of this building that can accommodate 800 people.

On design, this building will be a challenge to us as structural engineers. Column-free upper floor and sloping seating platform spanning 26.5m.

The programme for the dinner was rather interesting. We had the Basel Church Tenom Children Choir (The Malaysian version of the Vienna Boys Choir); Solo Guitarist performance, Violin-Piano combined performance as well as the Tshung Tshin Chinese Orchestra.

I was talking to my wife about the chances of Paul and Sam performing in the Chinese Orchestra. We guess their reply: " No way, hean tor oh!"


jenQker said...

is the building design by OMA or Wisma?

Alfred Lee said...