Sunday, April 02, 2006

Growing Up Pain

This morning, the Bible lesson in the Praise Kids Church was about the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus. When I met up with my Primary 6 kids in the separate classes. I was truly shocked to discover certain phenomenon among these kids of which I was quite unprepared for.

On the subject of death, one shared his experience in his attempt to commit suicide. On why he tried to kill himself, he said it was because of family problem. He told us he actually tried to hang himself from the door closer. But he freed himself when the choking became unbearable. He also said once he put his head into a pale of water and tried to drown himself. The choking forced him to pull his head up.

Another told the class he actually ran away from home and spent two hours in a KFC before deciding to go home. This arose because of what he considered very severe punishment meted out by the father.

Another girl from a manifestly model home told of her desire to run away from home due to study stress and expectation.
They told me that none of the family members knew about these. All these happened in the afternoon when the parents were away working. We all promised that we would keep this as a secret within the 4 walls among ourselves.

At the end of the sharing, I could feel wetness in my eyes. At such a young and tender age, they have already considered such an option.

I assured them that no matter what happen, their parents' love for them is 100%. They disagreed. One said that he is only being loved 99% but the other kids in his family 100%. Another said the parents love the younger one more than her.

Although I knew that this kind of feeling did cross every kid's mind one time or another. But, if this is not handled properly, it does have a bearing on his/her self-esteem and the perception of his/her standing in the family.

At the end of the session, I prayed for them and hugged some of them. Deep down, I hoped this session has been of help to them and I knew there is still a long way to go in life. I prayed that God would be merciful to all these kids who are just trying to grow up.

1 comment:

Serenely said...

So sad that kids can harbour such dark thoughts.

In Singapore, child suicide is also a problem. No. 1 reason is due to stress from studies.

I think your hug was something some of those kids really needed.