Friday, May 04, 2018

Friends for Life

There are plenty of wise sayings and statements that we sometimes take for granted. The abundance of hand phone messaging often renders us immune to the significance of some of these slogans and sayings.

The meaning of the statement "If you find just one "true" friend in your life time, you have been truly blessed" came to life when I heard this story.......

There were two girls who were good friends since young and they went to the same school and attended the same class together. One was quite well off and the other was not so well off. By the time they finished A Level, both wanted to apply to enter university. One has no problem with financial support while the other did not have the financial mean to go through the university education. The well off girl went to her father and pleaded with him to also support her friend through the university. The father agreed. Later on, The well off girl got accepted to the uni. By God's grace, the other girl was offered a scholarship and she too entered university.

The story of the generous offer of the father was never told to the other girl until 26 April 2018 when they are now in their sixties. I was almost in tears when this story was narrated to me.

The two girls - Friends for life.
Bountiful harvest of olives from tree just
outside the house in Perth.
The two girls were both blessed with their
better halves.

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