England had at one time been the greatest nation on earth. Today, her status as the greatest nation is long gone. Still, England still has a long list of "The Most" and "The Oldest".
England still has the most prestigious universities in the world. The Commonwealth Games is reckoned to be only second after the Olympic Games. UK Westminster system of government is still an envy of many nations and a model for many aspiring upcoming democracies.
England may have the greatest football clubs in the world but nobody really believe they can ever win a World Cup. England last won the World Cup in 1966 some 48 years ago. Thomas Cup created by the British, is one of the oldest and most prestigious badminton competitions. Yet hardly anyone will ever believe that a British team can ever win this Cup again. For Wimbledon Tennis, a Briton had not won for 77 years since 1936 until 2013 when this record was finally broken. Andy Murray won this trophy. There is some truth that England is in the decline.
The British Monarch has traditionally been the Defender of the Faith but this would most likely change now that Britain is no longer a Christian-majority nation. Prince Charles had also declared that if he ever becomes king, he would change the title of the Defender of the Faith to become the Defender of the Faiths. Could this be the source of her decline?
Still, England is a great country to visit. Her rich history, great architecture, beautiful landscape and diversity is still a magnet to many people and I am no exception.
We stayed at the Marriot London County Hall the night before we flew back to Singapore. This hotel used to be the headquarters of London County Council and later the Greater London Council before it was sold to private investor. It is on the south bank of Thames River just north of Westminster Bridge.
We managed to capture beautiful shots of the London Eye as it is just next to the hotel.

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