Saturday, June 08, 2013

The Cape of Good Hope

I think a trip by an outsider to South Africa is incomplete without visiting the Cape of Good Hope. We arrived at this spot on 28 May 2013, some 525 years after the Portuguese explorer, Bartolomeu Diaz first "discovered" this location. He named it Cape of Storms then rather than the Cape of Good Hope as we know it today. Since then, much has been learnt about the geography of Cape Peninsular. The Cape of Good Hope is in fact not the southern most point of the African continent and it is also not where the Indian Ocean meets the Atlantic. Read more from here.

L' Aguihas or Cape Aguihas is the southernmost point of the African Continent.

Still, nothing has changed much since 1488. It is still a barren rocky headland. There is no souvenir shop, no hotel, no restaurant and not even a toilet or a covered shed in this iconic location. The only man-made construction is the paved road, roundabout and car park to cater for the endless number of travelers from around the world to come to this spot to have their photographs taken. That's what we did precisely!


The Cape of Good Hope is situated at the southwest tip of the Cape Peninsular. The more interesting area however is the southeast tip of the Cape Peninsular: This is where we find the Cape Point. Read here for more about the Cape Point.

The Cape of Good Hope viewed from The Cape Point.

Old lighthouse at the Cape Point.

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