Thursday, March 03, 2005

Overused Word : Technical

One of the overused words nowadays I think is "Technical". The usage at times has been abused.

When the government was not prepared to publish certain Investigation Report or Finding, the usual excuse was: "We cannot release it due to technical reason".

When a scheduled event is cancelled at the last minute, the usual excuse from the organizer is: "The event has been cancelled due to some technical problems".

When there is a power outage, the common response from the utility company is: "The outage occurred because of technical problem".

The list goes on. The real reason or reasons were never explained. It is simply covered up with one simple phrase of "Technical Problem".

Don't you get annoyed at this kind of abuse of words. I think at times, more transparent explanation is required rather than mere quoting of the words "Technical Problem".

Don't you agree that the word has been overused ?

1 comment:

jenQker said...

i agree...
oh dad... sorry i have not been updating my blog... its due to some technical problems... hehe