Friday, September 03, 2021

Lazarus Tomb, Bethany

This blog is a continuation of the recent entry on the Tour of Israel in late May to early June 2014 (Read here). 


We were surprised to learn that the Tomb of Lazarus recorded in the Bible (John 11:1-11) supposedly in the town of Bethany is now located in a residential area of a renamed Arab town, al-Eizariya in the West Bank. The site of the Tomb is a mere 1Km southeast of the Mount of Olives. 

Bethany is the town where the family of Mary, Martha and his brother Lazarus stayed. Here, Jesus performed one of his many miracles wherein Lazarus was raised from death after burial for four days.

Residential houses nearby.
Entrance to the burial chamber.

Apparently, the current opening used to access the burial chamber is not the original opening. The original opening has been walled up. The underground burial chamber is accessible via a 24-step spiral staircase which is also not the original. These steps were built by the Franciscans in the 16th century. At the base of the square chamber or vestibule, another opening with steps leads to another chamber below. This lower chamber is believed to be where Lazarus was laid to rest.

24-step spiral steps lead to the base of the chamber.
Narrow staircase to lower chamber.
The lower chamber.
A side chamber at the vestibule. Could it be for placing of ossuary, a box made of limestone for holding of skeletal remains?

There is no certainty that this tomb is indeed the tomb of Lazarus. Still, the visit was an eye opener about Jewish burial practice.

As expected, a Church is found in this pilgrimage site. The St. Lazarus Church dedicated to Lazarus was built in 1952-1953 near the remnants of former Byzantine and Crusader Churches.

Mural of Lazarus coming out of the tomb after being
raised by Jesus.

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