Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Golgotha, Jerusalem

The Protestants do not consider the Church of Sepulchre to be where Jesus was crucified and buried. Instead, they chose a location about one Km north of the Church of Sepulchre to be their site. Their conviction was in a way reinforced by a skull-shaped profile on a nearby hill side. This appears to match the description of Golgotha which is skull in Aramaic. Still, the burial chamber unearthed was found to be at least 700 to 800 years before Jesus time and was a reused chamber. This does not tally with the Biblical story that Joseph of Arimathea who offered his new tomb for Jesus' burial (Mt 27:57-60).

If anything positive is to be said about this place, it is the natural unconfined environment which is conducive for meditation and contemplation.

Our group has a holy communion at this site to conclude our visit to Jerusalem.

We arrived at the Garden Tomb late afternoon after a dip in the Dead Sea on 30 May 2014.
The skull-shaped profile on the hill side.

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