Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Echidna Mistaken as Durain

Tasmania is blessed with some unique and rare animals - wombat, Tasmanian devil, wallaby, kangaroo, platypus, blue penguin and echidna just to name a few.

We were fortunate to have seen many of these animals, some by deliberate effort as in the case of our visit to Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary. But quite a number were encountered without prior warning or notice.

On our way to Port Arthur Historic Site, we stopped at Port Arthur Levander Farm for coffee and light meals. Soon after, we decided to wander out to the lavender fields around the cafe.

Along the lakeside walkway, we caught site of a durain-liked object. That instant impression vanished when I saw it started to move about. Upon closer look, I knew it's a kind of animal but could not figure out its name. A quick internet search revealed its identity to be Echidna, one of the two mammals that still lay eggs. The other is platypus.

The pointed mouth used to insert into tunnels of termite 
mounds resembles stem of durain fruit.


The Port Arthur Levander Farm complete with a levander distillery and a cafe. The cafe serves a variety of levander-inspired beverages and cuisine - levander-infused ice-cream, milkshake, hot chocolate etc. An interesting place to take a break on the way to Port Arthur.

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