Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Bonding Time in Melbourne

Our sense of time changes as we grow older. Time seems to pick up speed as the age catches on.

It was barely three months ago when we last met Livvie in Singapore. She had since grown by leaps and bounds. Now a little chatterbox who can converse in sizable vocabulary and handle some basic numerals way beyond her age.

Her occasional utterance of "I can do it myself!" reminded me of Gracie, her resolute-minded cousin. Still, it would be her precocious conversations that distinguish her as a witty little lass.

Here's the snippet of conversation between Livvie and her Popo:

Livvie: Popo, how was your sleep last night?
Popo: Very good. How about yours?
Livvie: I didn't have a good night sleep. I coughed. My nose was blocked. 
Popo: So, what did mommy and daddy do?
Livvie: Mommy put water into my nose and pumped it out.
Popo: Were you OK?
Livvie: No. I screamed.

At an airbnb near Victoria Market.
At Flagstaff Gardens, Melbourne.

At Levantine Hill Estate, Yarra Valley.

The little photographer at Holly Lane Mews.
Barbecue at Holly Lane Mews.

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