Saturday, July 12, 2008

Hunter Valley

As usual, you won't miss out visiting a winery each time you visit Australia. We have been to Yarra Valley Winery in Melbourne, Margaret River Winery and Swan Valley Winery (this is added after reminder from Serene) in Perth. In Newcastle, Paul was the sole planner and guide for our winery tour in Hunter Valley.
I must say, he did a good job. I noticed he spent a fair amount of time in advance to study the route as well as the destinations. I must admit except in our first driving experience to Sydney to locate the hotel and later the car rental company, there were no major hitches in our whole trip. In the end, we always managed to find the place after a few wrong turns. I did a fair amount of driving while Paul acted as the navigator. I think it would have been disastrous if it had been the other way mainly because of possible poor navigation I envisage!
Paul was fully absorbed in online checking of impending route to take the next morning.
With the countless times of wine tasting, cheese samplings and chocolate samplings which we had done in the past, the interest had somewhat waned this time. Nevertheless, we still diligently looked out for these to make sure the itinerary was complete.

1 comment:

Serenely said...

don't forget Swan Valley too! You and mum are real seasoned wine + cheese tasters...