Saturday, July 12, 2008

Flight to Sydney

Well, our trip down south (27 June - 6 July) and Singapore (6 July - 8 July) went by faster than anticipated. It was eventful from the moment we left the house on the way to KK International Airport to fly to Singapore at 0930 on 27 June. Our travel agent called us to convey the news that the flight had been rescheduled from the original 1155 to 1700. This was only confirmed when we arrived at the airport. We had to go home and waited until 1515 to start all over again.

The plane finally flew off at 1815. In the flight, we were wondering whether we could make it to our connecting flight to Sydney at 2035. Half an hour before the plane landed, we were invited to move to the 1st Class seats just next to the main exit. We thought, it would have been nicer if we had been asked earlier say before dinner was served! The air-hostess told us to rush as fast as we could to catch the connecting flight the moment the door was opened.

We literally ran all the way to the check-in lounge the minute the door was opened. Because of this, we missed out the chance of seeing Terminal 3 which we originally expected to spend a fair amount of time. As it turned out, the flight was delayed as well to 2100 and it finally flew off at 2130.

Well, the unfortunate experience was finally compensated by our first experience inside the much talked about Airbus A380.
When we finally landed at Sydney Airport and got out of the Terminal, it was well passed 0830 and we were in the safe hand of Paul and his friend.

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