Monday, November 26, 2007

Basel Church has a New Bishop

Basel Church has just elected a new bishop to replace Bishop Voo. The new bishop is Rev. Dr. Thomas Tsen (Dad of Irene Tsen).

Like many churches, Basel Church has been yearning for change. Deep down, many people both the clergy and lay people have been hoping for a more tolerant church leadership, one that is not so rigid and uptight about the work of the Holy Spirit in the Church.

It is not surprising that the new bishop is not a "pastoral" pastors working among the congregations in either the Chinese congregations or the English congregations. Somehow, most are "controversial" and could not be accepted by the majority. It takes a candidate like Rev. Tsen who is not working as a pastor but a lecturer in STS to assume this role. One of his strength is being trilingual, conversant in Bahasa Malaysia, Chinese and English. His English as I observed have improved significantly after coming back from the US.

I believe Basel Church is in for change albeit in a slow pace.

1 comment:

Serenely said...

Wow... this is interesting news! I'm sure this marks a fresh beginning for Basel Church in many areas.