Saturday, March 31, 2007


Today, I bought a CD movie on Judas Iscariot. The story portrays him as a revolutionary fiercely opposed to the rule of Romans over the Jews. His whole live goal was to have a saviour who would redeem the Jews away from the rule of Rome.
The tendency for most us is to condemn him as an evil ungrateful man. The man who was closely associated with the death of Jesus Christ. That's a fact. Then, it was also said that he was "destined" to be part of the grand plan of God to complete the salvation of mankind. Unfortunately, it had to be Judas Iscariot.

After seeing the movie, you feel the human side of him. Though it's only a movie, his ending does make you feeling sorry for him. You really wish that his ultimate deep regret for his part in the death of Christ may somehow move the heart of God to do otherwise.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Which one of Jesus' disciples was a vegetarian?

Judas Eats-Carrot!