Saturday, March 31, 2007


Today, I bought a CD movie on Judas Iscariot. The story portrays him as a revolutionary fiercely opposed to the rule of Romans over the Jews. His whole live goal was to have a saviour who would redeem the Jews away from the rule of Rome.
The tendency for most us is to condemn him as an evil ungrateful man. The man who was closely associated with the death of Jesus Christ. That's a fact. Then, it was also said that he was "destined" to be part of the grand plan of God to complete the salvation of mankind. Unfortunately, it had to be Judas Iscariot.

After seeing the movie, you feel the human side of him. Though it's only a movie, his ending does make you feeling sorry for him. You really wish that his ultimate deep regret for his part in the death of Christ may somehow move the heart of God to do otherwise.

Hazard of Employing People

Last couples of weeks, I have been busy interviewing candidates for Inspector-of-Works and Resident Engineers. One obvious fact is that there are not many non-bumi to choose from particularly those applying for the post of engineer. That is not surprising because very few of them are coming back these days. In fact, the other day at the Seri Bagawan Airport on my way to Shanghai, I met a young man who is a son of a church friend whom I knew since youth days. He told me he just graduated from a uni in Brisbane in electrical engineering. He told me at the airport that he was on his way back to Brisbane to look for a job there. The other Sunday after church, Yi Jeh also confirmed that he would be going to Singapore to work by May. In fact Sam has told me about this earlier already.

Well, back to my original subject of employing new staff members. Sadly, it turns out that I sort of have been "played out" by two candidates. One IOW whom I offered the job and who has confirmed in the interview that he would leave his company because there was no new job coming in. He accepted our offer and signed the acceptance in front of me. Two days later, he called to inform that he could not join us as his boss refused to let him go. He said that his company has a new project in Ranau and wanted to send him there. Of course with a pay rise as he revealed to me !

Then another engineer whom I was not very keen to take in, but he called almost everyday and sounded very keen to join. Finally, we offered the job to him and he signed the acceptance this Thursday morning. By the afternoon, he called back and informed me that he could not take the job as he has been offered another job. I was quite agitated and said to him, "Did you use our offer to bargain for a better deal?". Of course the answer was negative. But then the timing just made you believe that you have been "played out".

That's the hazard of employing people !

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Golf Again

Yesterday, I was invited to join a company-organised golf at Nexus which was supposed to be played this afternoon. I was quite keen to join and accepted the invitation even though I have not played for more than 2 years.

This morning, in preparation for the golf, I tried doing a few swings of the club at the back of our house. Well, not good. I felt pain in the muscle around the elbow. Probably too many smashes during the badminton session. So I have to call and politely declined.

I am tempted to consider golf again. May be starting with going to the driving range! well, just a thought.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Home Alone

I am home alone again. Maid is also away back to Indonesia. She left the early following morning after I came back from Shanghai.

For dinner just now, I was thinking of going out to look for a meal. But then, I decided to look into the fridge to see what I could make out for dinner. Well, some left-over stewed mushroom chicken. So what the hack, got it warmed up and cooked a bit of rice. It was umpteen years since I last cooked a pot of rice! As it turned out, a bit wet - border line between rice and porridge. Mixed it up with the stew and there goes a meal! Think about it, the other two Lee's of the family, one in Newcastle, another in Singapore probably do better than me.

I called Sam last night well past nine. Believe it, he was still in the office working! The look of it, he has set such high standard that is unheard of in Sabah :) As a boss, I wish I have a staff like that!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Peking Duck

Just back from Shanghai. Away from the cold and back to the hot and humid weather. Now, you kind of miss the coldness when you are finally back to this hot and humid land!

For the first time, I saw snow flaks falling from the sky just as we left the bus and going into the aircraft at the tarmac at Pudung Airport. You can imagine how cold it was! We were told this kind of cold weather which was caused by cold wave from the north is a rare event. Many parts of China were in a standstill due to heavy snowfall and cold wave.

Last night, we had Peking Duck at the "Old Peking", an old restaurant established during the Qing Dynasty. We were told that it is still state-run. I was really impressed of such standard and quality that could still be maintained even operating as a state-own company. Every duck is still roasted by firewood. We were told that this restaurant is one the remnant outlets still permitted to use firewood by the authority. This is rare considering China is so depleted of green. The Peking Duck is really gooooood.
Before flying off this afternoon from Shanghai, we had lunch at the 5,000-seat capacity restaurant. Again, we tasted the tian sia di ik pau - the world no. 1 bun. We were also treated with the sturgeon. We were given to understand that this is recognised as a fossil fish, a kind of prehistoric fish. Literally, the whole fish is edible  because the bone is soft - cartilage-like soft bones.

Just to correct any misconception, it was not all eating alone in Shanghai. We did work as well.

Friday, March 02, 2007

At Work in Chap Goh Mei

House is quiet again. Sam has just left for Singapore yesterday to begin his new phase of working life. A little rat in the rat race :) Glad to know that he has found a place to stay in such a short time. With that, we have no worry to visit him in Singapore.

This year, I won't be spending Chap Goh Mei in Sabah this Sunday. I will be away in Shanghai working, mind you, not holidaying. The Client has told us that he has already instructed his staff to work full day on Sunday-Chap Goh Mei. I just couldn't understand why the urgency. But then, some clients just like to look busy at the most unexpected time. By Tuesday, I will be flying back to Sabah. Just imagine you get stuck in one Shanghai office for 2 days and then to the Airport without seeing much of Shanghai.

By the time I am back at home sweet home, my dear wife will not be around because she will be again away on duty in West Malaysia. Home is really getting quiet........