Monday, December 26, 2005

Front Porch

The plants at the Front Porch are blooming this Christmas.


Before 8 Dec 2005, I have never heard of the term "Chiropractic". No apology for the ignorance for I am not in the medical line.
This term was introduced to me by my niece, Ah Min when I was in KL recently. She told me to look for a chiropractic to fix my spinal pain problem. In fact, she made numerous calls to try to fix an appointment with a chiropractic for me. Somehow, it didn't work out.

By the time I was back to KK, we discovered in the local newspaper ad of the service of an orthopedic cum chiropractic. At last, we finally found a chiropractic in Sabah!

My first encounter with a chiro was his special bed that I was asked to lie on. A lot of pressings over my neck and back areas. But his twisting of my neck was most scary. I could hear the clicking sound of my neck bones when he twisted my neck. Somehow, the twisting of the neck seemed to do some tricks. Whether psychological or not, the pain in my back and hand did subside after this encounter with the chiro.

Still, the chiro told me that a more permanent solution to this spinal problem is to do an operation at the affected spinal chord. To him, this is a fairly simple "procedure". From his own mouth, he has been successful in all the procedures he has done so far. I am now considering this procedure if the spinal problem persists.

At the moment, spinal pain is subsiding. Praise the Lord!

Still, I must say to Ah Min: Thanks for bringing me into the world of chiropractic!"

Passing of a Friend - Yogeswaran

When I was scanning my digital photo album, I came across this old university photo which was taken way back in 1973. It reminded me of the passing of a uni friend, a senior and a Christian brother in the 5th Residential College Christian Fellowship.
On 7 Dec 2005, I received an sms from another ex uni-mate from Sarawak, Sun Nan Ping (the chap sitting at my left in the photo). It reads "Sad news, Yoges passed away last night". He died of a blood disorder. He was scheduled to undergo some kind of bone marrow transplant scheduled in February 2006, but God chose to take him earlier.

Being a Malaysian of  Indian ethnicity, his uniqueness was that he had a pair of very neat white teeth over a dark skin background and curly long hair. He was a joker and a caring person. In the photo, I could still remember him sitting on the floor leaning on my feet. There was also a joke about him - When you have a power failure at night, just take him along and he would light up the area with his teeth!

Though he lived a fairly short life, about 56 I think, he did have a great impact on people he came into contact with.

After his funeral on 9 Dec 2005, I received another sms, "The funeral just ended. Beautiful time of celebrating Yoges' life and his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. About 200 people attended".

Christmas 2005

We had a small open house after the Christmas Day Service. Our guests include Thomas Chin's family with Joan Chin who is back for holidays from Australia. The Chan Kok Woh's family brought along Winnie's Aunti from Singapore + husband, an ex-diplomat posted to Australia. Winnie also brought along her sister + husband (back from Australia for holidays) who lectures in Southern Cross University. Of course, Janice and mom also turned up.
Just when we were about to wrap up the open house, two car-loads of youths turned up. Fortunately, we had a bit of food left. They literally cleared up whatever food that was left.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Our Christmas Tree

Our Christmas tree at the cosy corner of the house.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Another Mini Reunion of Former Uni-mates

Our former uni-mates Wai Suet and Ling King Ngeo visited KK. We had a chance to have a simple breakfast in a coffee shop in Damai Plaza Phase 4 on 17 December 2005 joined by Pastor Lam Kee Hing.

God's Gift to You and Me

This is the picture of the scene of Nativity used in the illusion for the Praise Kids Christmas Party 2005.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Christmas is Coming

Wow, it's been a long time since I last blogged.
This December has been unusually busy. With so many outstation duties and deadlines to meet, many people would jump to congratulate our good business fortune. Thank God for that. But, my spinal pain is driving me nut. At time, I wish there is some kind of instruments that I can just insert into my back, shoulder and right hand and just cut it off so that the pain could be removed once and for all.

Thank God, pain has subsided a lot today. Reasons: with prayers from loved ones plus expensive health  supplement introduced by friend which I have started consuming and physio by the wife. All these add to slow but sure recovery.

The other day on 15 Dec, I was stuck at KLIA for 6.5 hours (from 3.30pm to 10pm) trying to catch an earlier flight back . The dread of waiting was compounded with the searing pain, truly unbearable at times. Then I got a call from Serene, that chatting came at the right moment has truly helped to relieve the pain. Thanks again, Serene.

Tomorrow, Praise Kids Church will be celebrating Christmas. I will have to do an illusion as one of the items. I have not done an illusion this whole year. Another chance to polish. At the moment, I am still working on it. By God's grace, I hope that the illustration will have an impact.
By the way, Paul has since 5 Dec been undergoing industrial training at our firm's Condominium Project site by the road side of Jalan Damai. The project site is very near to our office. I believe he is enjoying it and is getting a feel of the nitti-gritty of civil and structural engineering.