Monday, February 06, 2012

Museums & Historical Sites, Perak

Tin mining used to be Perak's major economic activity that enabled this state to develop up to its current status. One man who is very passionate in preserving this part of Perak's history is this man, Tan Sri Hew See Tong whom we met by accident when visiting the partially completed Kinta Tin Mining (Gravel Pump) Museum in Kampar.

This Tan Sri who called himself an old man in Kampar came regularly to check on the construction of this Museum. He was very friendly and chatty and fort-coming with his idea and intention to build this museum to ensure the preservation of this cultural heritage. We also chatted in Hakka as he is a Hakka himself.
Read Here
Perak Museum at Taiping, Jalan Lumba Kuda - It is said that this is the oldest Museum in Malaysia !
Ngah Ibrahim Fort & Museum, Matang, Taiping

This used to be the residence of Ngah Ibrahim, the local leader of Larut and son of Long Jaafar, the man who discovered tin in Bukit Gantang, setting off the tin industry in Malaya.
Kellie's Castle, Jalan Gopeng, Gunung Rapat, Ipoh
Leaning Tower of Teluk Intan
Old shops in Ipoh

1 comment:

jenQker said...

i had no idea that malaysia has all these exciting places... i feel so embarrassed and ashamed.