Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Chap Goh Mei 2006

Sunday 12 February 2006 was Chap Goh Mei. We had another family reunion dinner to end this year CNY celebration. This dinner was held at our home at our suggestion. As far as I could see and feel from the atmosphere of the gathering, all enjoyed it and the conversation was cordial and relaxed. My 2nd brother has grown more sober as year is catching up on him and there appeared more tolerance and understanding between him and the wife.
We also took the opportunity to celebrate my Mom's 78th birthday. That was the first time the children and grandchildren sang the Happy Birthday Song to her after she blew out the candles. In the past, as far as I could remember, there was no singing after the cake cutting which was held in her house. I also couldn't really explain why. Probably, the setting and atmosphere was not so conducive!

When they finally left for homes, we extended a wedding photo of MH and Serene to each family which was long long overdue. To be exact, more than 13 months overdue.

I was glad that our house turned out to be a good venue to further enhance the bond between the siblings. I hope this gathering can turn into some kind of annual tradition wherein the brothers, sister and the next generation can get together for bonding and sharing. I was glad my children get along well with their cousins as I believe this is also important for the family to survive as a unit in the years to come.


Serenely said...

So I gather that you and mom found the missing photos?

Alfred Lee said...

We didn't. We developed a new set for distribution.