Sunday, September 17, 2023

Back to Aenon - 2nd Time

It was just over a year ago when we first signed up for a 10-day program at Aenon Health Care (Read here). It was "tough" initially. But by the end of the program, we began to enjoy the program and were convinced of the benefits.

Our second 10-day program from 3 September to 12 September 2023 was joined by my SIL from Batu Pahat. Initially, she was a bit skeptical about the program. But toward the end of it, she has become a strong advocate of the program and she even managed to convince two of her friends to join her for a second 10-day program early January next year.

The types of food served daily in this Centre continue to be a draw to both new comers and returnees. After our first program a year ago, we find it much easier to adjust to the zero-meat meals served for breakfast, lunch and dinner. 

This time, both my wife and I had mild headache, decreased energy and decreased alertness in the morning after breakfast in the beginning of the program. The doctor suspected that it could be due to caffeine withdrawal syndrome since our normal daily morning routine is a cup of coffee during breakfast. Occasionally, another cup in the afternoon if we choose to have a tea break. Fortunately, this phenomenon disappeared after four days into the 10-day program.

We continue to be fascinated by the creativity of the kitchen staff in preparing all three meals purely by utilizing nuts, vegetables and fruits. The varieties of food served are both tasty and visually attractive. 

Aenon advocates eating breakfast fit for a prime minister, lunch for a king and dinner for a beggar. But occasionally, the Centre does top up with a additional bonus portion if indeed you find the portion served is slightly inadequate!

Breakfast (Medium Portion)
Lunch (Large Portion)

Dinner (Small Portion)

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