Saturday, February 15, 2014

Ushering the Year of the Horse - 2014

Lau Sang
Ang Pau Session.
I could not remember the last time I received an ang pau during CNY. This came as a surprise!
The boys were busy getting the barbecue sets assembled minutes before the sets were put into use.
I was surprised that the charcoal took so long to be fired up. Reason: bits and pieces of old newspaper were used. Finally, I got them the charcoal lighters to speed up the process.

Barbeque was something new to the Lim's family. The Lee's had to do some demo's and coaching to get the process going. At the end, the barbecue turned out to be a success.

The new generation knew the importance of PR work. The uncle and cousin were enjoying the massage before meal!

1st, 3rd and 4th generations.
For the album.

1 comment:

Serenely said...

Thanks for sharing these photos. Really wish we were there, but it's lovely to be able to see everyone all together in the photos.