Sunday, July 07, 2013

Becoming an Adjudicator

I flew to KL on 4 July to attend the Launch of the Malaysian Society of Adjudicators and the Dinner for the Class of 2012/2013.

There were only four of us from Sabah out of the first batch of 300 graduates. In fact, 20 from Sabah passed the exam and made it to the list of the Adjudicators.

The CIPAA, the Construction Industry Payment & Adjudication Act 2012 has already been passed by the Parliament well before the recent GE13. The implementation of the Act however is still pending because the Minister has yet to sign the document on its actual implementation.

In the meantime, all the adjudicators are still unsure when will be their first test as the actual adjudicator!


jenQker said...

proud of you dad. awesome.

Alfred Lee said...


Serenely said...

Yes very proud indeed! Demonstrating top writing and argumentative skills in all of Sabah is no mean feat

Alfred Lee said...
