This is one of the places in Malaysia where time stands still. This little town hardly has undergone any major change since I first saw it in 1974.

One of the changes however is a new sundry shop called Xian Kiat Trading. The boss is none other than my wife's 3rd brother. The "little boss" seen in the photo is proud of his shop!

Talking about this little boss, I am indeed amazed by his "photographic mind". At the tender age of three and a half, he "reads" the Entertainment page of the newspaper to pick up the TV programme of the day. Somehow, over time, he is able to pick up and compare the programme titles as shown in TV as against those printed in the newspaper. He can correctly tell you what is going to be shown in the TV by looking at the newspaper. Pretty amazing!

Lundong sold in one of the little food stores by the road side built on top of the drain was delicious.

Another morning, we had roti cannai at another nearby food outlet acclaimed to serve the best roti cannai in Sri Gading. The roti cannai man was really competent in that he handled taking of order, cooking the roti cannai and acting as cashier all at the same time.
Looking at the apron worn by the roti cannai man, I thought he is a member of the "Bersih" movement that had caused "havoc" to the Malaysian Government just before the election. My wife thought otherwise. He wore it probably just to prove he was serious in upholding good and hygienic food handling practice !
When we wanted to make an order for gong-gong, the roti cannai man simply said that he knew what is the usual order for him.
That proves one point: He must have been there countless times eating the same thing over and over again!

At first, I could not believe that there is a road named after my wife's Dad. I was proven wrong when I was finally led to the Jalan not far from the Xian Kiat Trading.

Businesses LOVE loyal customers... wonder if he enjoys any special discount?
Another correction! The sundry shop belongs to my 3rd bother not 4th! Another amazing thing about the little boy is that he could down a packet of nasi lemak - chillies and all. Most children shun chillies but this boy relishes it. He offerred to take me to taste laksa mee so i asked if i could have laksa minus the chillies. Staring at me in amazement, he muttered : "Laksa without chillies? That won't be called laksa then!"
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