Sunday, August 20, 2006


Looking at my Praise Kids of Primary 6, somehow, girls seem more prone to cliques - 2, 2 and 1 lone ranger. The boys on the other hand seem to get along well!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Reunion of Former Colleagues After A Lapse of 9 Years

Just back from a reunion lunch with some ex-Permodalan Bumiputra Sabah staff. This Indian lady who used to be the company librarian married an Aussie and migrated to Australia in 1985. I am not sure whether she married first then migrated or the other way round. 

The last reunion was way back in 1997. This time, the number of attendees has dwindled. May be it's because of too short notice or difficulty to locate some of the staff. Among the group, one is now an Assistant Minister.

This Indian lady who now resides in Perth is now begging to have the next reunion in Perth Australia and she was teasing the organizer to start cracking and hopefully it's not another 9 years later.

I told her that I would have no problem going there because my daughter and son-in-law would be in Perth.

Her address in Perth is 18, Watsonia Road, Gooseberry Hill, WA 6076 Australia. Ph: (61-8)94544632. The couple is Satwant & Doug Bridson. Email :
I put this down just in case I lose the name card:)

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Sex in the minds of 11+ Years

This morning in my Primary 6 Praise Kids Class, one boy just posed a casual question to me  - "How many children do you have ?"

"Three". To my surprise, his response was like this:
"So, you must have sex at least three times".

Wow, I was caught a bit off guard. In order not to shut off such inquisitive minds, I asked him:
"Where do you learn about sex education ?"
"What other things do you know about sex ?"
" Boys have sperms but girls don't have. You need sperms to have baby".

I was amazed that issue concerning sex has already gotten into the minds of an 11 years old. Or was it always like this? Or that kids in the older days were not so daring to express and to desire to learn about this subject.

I wonder whether our boys had ever gotten this issue into their minds back when they were 11 or 12. But there is no denying that TV, internet and the media have contributed to the "openness" of these young minds. Well, it's important that they be properly guided so that this "openness" would not be abused.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Dai Yi Long

Every now and then, my car wipers would be stuck with Ah Long's name cards. At other times, they just dump a few into the mail box. Some opt to throw them into your house compound, squeeze them through the gap under your office door or clip them together with your electricity bill. Loan sharking by these dai yi long seem to be the in thing business in KK nowadays.
Just the other day, I got a call from one claiming to be from Citibank. He said his bank is also offering pre-approved loan of RM18,000.00 to me. Just say yes in the phone and he would arrange to transfer the money into my account. I flatly said no.

I was thinking: Is bank also into dai yi long business!

To The Future Architect

I bumped into Ar. Paul Lau yesterday at the KKIA on my way to Tawau. He was on his way back from Sandakan. The first he said to me was:

" When is Sam coming back ?"
" Should be end of the year"
" Ask him to come and join me, he is smart and a good architect"

I was in cloud nine when I heard it. I just could not imagine the little spider boy who used to hang upside down in the swing in Foh Sang is destined for architecture! :)