Finally, we made it to the Tip of Borneo on 30 May 2006. This reminded me of our trip to Agusta, the Southern Most Tip of Australia. Unlike Agusta, there is something lacking here. Yes I mean the light house. It would be nice to have one. The bare and worn-out massive rocks do remind us of the great forces of Sulu Sea and the South China Sea ravaging this tiny corner on earth.

you two are really having fun. wait till when the 3 siblings meet, we'll compete.
hey, dad. try and appeal and proposed to built one. that might turn out to be an interesting project.
wearing the new pair of shoes that didnt have my size...
So romantic... you two honeymooners...
The reason why no light house has been built is probably this is hardly a major shipping route. If ever a light house is built, it is probably for aesthetic reason ! I can't think of any investor willing to put in money for such structure. May be he is given the right to build a hotel nearby one day !
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