When I read about MH and Serene's trip down south and was told of the scenic railway and scenic cable car, I was reminded of our proposed Scenic Bridge in JB which some refer to as the Crooked Bridge. Fortunately, this has been scrapped. It could have been another great civil and structural engineering feat or architectural wonder. But then, the damage to the future generation probably will far outweigh the benefits that can be derived.
How is one to explain such a weird bridge design if a child is to ask the parents for an explanation. As I see it, It would reflect none of the cooperative spirit between two neighbouring countries that we so often boast about in all the political talk. It would also reflect the pursuit of one's personal agenda irrespective of what the other say and feel. It is a lasting symbol of arrogance and non-cooperation in short.
Thank God, beside the millions of Ringgit saved, many Malaysians would not have to face the eternal consequence of an unwise move.