Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Royal Meal in Seoul

When our niece asked whether we like to have a Royal Meal in Korea, we had no hesitation and asked her to proceed with the booking. We were looking forward to it and had high hope of enjoying a Royal Meal at Myongdongjeong, a restaurant that specializes in royal cuisine.

In the end, the meal turned out to be at best mediocre and nothing to brag about. While the number of dishes are very substantial, they are just plain ordinary dishes, far from food that royalty are supposed to enjoy. 

On another note, If the Korean royalty indeed eat similar ordinary food just like their subjects, then it's a consolation to appreciate the simplicity of Korean royalty considering the extravagance and wastage of some royalties of many nations!

On the cost of the meal, I consider the prices charged are disproportionate to the quality of these dishes. I doubt I will ever recommend to friends to have a go for it!

The only consolation after the meal was probably the "exclusive" time granted for us to try out all the Korean costumes normally offered to customers. Since we were the last group of guests in that afternoon, we had all the time until closing of the closing of the restaurant.

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