Tuesday, January 24, 2023

North Dandalup Dam

In Malaysia, dams are restricted areas and are off limit to the public. But in Western Australia, dams built to provide portable water are opened to the public for recreation, picnic and leisure. Part of the vicinity of the dam are fabulously landscaped and provided with recreation facilities. 

We visited the North Dandalup Dam on Boxing Day, 26 December 2022 and spent a wonderful time from late morning to early afternoon exploring the dam and had a barbequed lunch at the picnic site. At the time of our visit, we saw two police officers who patrolled using mobile vehicle at the dam site. This is probably a better way to enhance the security of the area while making it accessible to the public.

From the access road built at crest of the dam, one can have a panoramic view of the downstream of the dam. Another access road is built mid-way along the side of the dam. Beyond the tailwater, it is dammed up to create a beautiful shallow lake.
By the access road at the crest of the dam.
Draw-off tower.
Artificial beach by the lake side.

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