Thursday, May 09, 2019

The Great Story Tellers

In the past, which really was not that long ago, bed time for Nathan and Gracie was preceded by story telling. Each of them would pick up a book of his or her choice and select a story for us to read to them (Read here). We were the story tellers and they were the listeners.

In our recent trip in April, the role has changed. They have transitioned from being the listeners to becoming the story tellers.

Almost nightly, before bed time we had to pick up the "tickets" to be assured of seats for the story telling session. For every session, audience was given the option to choose a title from two given by the story teller.

The story telling was off-the-cuff and impromptus. Yet the flow was almost continuous with minimum breaks to gather thought and storyline. It was occasionally punctuated by "After that......" before the next line of the story emerged. It was simply just amazing to see their quick thinking and ingenuity.

Listeners needed exceptional attention and alertness to keep track with the storyline. The story teller could switch from being in a standing position to lying and cuddling inside the blanket or crawling on the floor. All these were part and parcel of the story telling!

Nathan specialized on his story on "Poo Poo Paupiqua" while the his sister Gracie was equally creative in her "Rolling Doughnut".

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