Sunday, March 10, 2019

Sooner than You Think

Elder Peter Lee was supposed to chair the STS Board meeting on 3 March 2019. Unfortunately, he had to forego this because of his fast deteriorating health. I had planned with a friend on 3 March to visit him early the following week. That visit never materialized because he passed away in early morning of 4 March.

I have lost count of the number of years we had known each other. At one time, we were badminton buddies. In the business realm, he had acted as contractor for construction project and I was the supervising engineer. We had traveled together to see places and we were partners in the ministry of STS for many years. 

He was a man of few words and he had dedicated much of his time to charitable services in the Church, schools, the Lee Clan Association and the Hakka Association.

Judging from his enthusiasm to chair the recent STS board meeting, his "parting" was something he didn't expect to happen so soon. In the end, many things may happen sooner than you think. That's the fact of life!

He will be missed!

Happy moment in Taipei when we did a cruise together to
Okinawa and Ishigaki in May 2017.
Lunch after the STS Board of Governors Meeting
on 30 June 2018.

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