Monday, May 01, 2017

Vietnamese Ca Phe

A friend reminded us to look out for egg coffee in Hanoi. We soon found a coffee/tea outlet cum restaurant just a short distance from our hotel serving this unique concoction. Without hesitation, we immediately went in and placed an order. It took the girl a solid 10 minutes to prepare the drink. It was frothy, creamy and custardly. It was mildly sweet and juxtaposed with the mild bitter taste of coffee! A unique coffee experience!

We learnt from the local guide for our City Tour that the correct spelling in Vietnamese for Coffee is Ca Phe.

Coffee is big business in Vietnam. Since its introduction by the French in the mid-1800's, the coffee industry has developed by leaps and bounds. It is now ranked second only to rice in value as an agricultural product exported from Vietnam.

Many flavors and varieties to choose from in one of the many
coffee outlets in  the city centre.


Coffee is truly a common universal language. We met a middle-aged Thai lady in the coffee/tea house. She is a solo traveler using bicycle as her major mode of transport. Her adventurous spirit is truly admirable and inspiring!

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