Friday, June 10, 2016

Les Miserables

We took a flight to Singapore on 3 June 2016 to watch the world-acclaimed musical, “Les Miserables”. Paul and Jun Shi had earlier bought us tickets to watch this musical at the Esplanade Theater.

I vaguely remember watching this musical years ago also in Singapore. Except a few catchy songs, there was nothing much to remember from the story line. But after watching the 1998 movie by Liam Neeson, watching the musical a second time made more sense. Of course, there is the third option: read the novel itself by Victor Hugo. But, that option might be a too ambitious endeavor to consider!

But listening to conversation in the movie helped to understand the story line a bit better. If ever I have to choose the most powerful moment of the movie, it is the following conversation soon after Valjean was caught by the police for stealing the church utensils and brought back to the church to face the bishop. It was the act of choosing kindness rather than vengeance that changed the course of Valjean's life.

Bishop: "Don't forget, don't ever forget, you promised to become a new man."
Valjean: (In disbelief and after a long pause) "I promise. But, why are you doing this?"
Bishop: "Jean Valjean, my brother, you no longer belong to you. With this silver, I bought your soul. I ransom your fear and hatred. And now, I give you back to God."

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