Sunday, August 03, 2014

Extended Family

We were told by my Haji Uncle to look for a yellow house by the main highway where the open house of the engagement ceremony would be held. We drove along the stretch of the highway near Kg. Darau but did not see any yellow house. Finally, we had to stop and asked someone for direction. It turned out that the house is not yellow but orange!

My uncle, Hj. Mandamin has four siblings, all male. He is third and the only surviving one among the four. The man in green T-shirt is Kasim, one of the sons of the late Mandahir, the eldest among the four. He organised the celebration for the engagement of his daughter, Shakira.
Before we left, Kasim offered an open ended invitation, " In all future Hari Raya Aidilfitri, just drop by at any time!". Truly friendly family.
With Hj. Mandamin and his youngest son, Basseri and grandson Mohd. Azhari.

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