Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Remembering the Abrupt End of the Lives of 298

Barely five months have passed since the disappearance of MAS flight MH370, Malaysia airlines suffered another catastrophic disaster when another MAS plane MH17 was lost. This time, it was blown off from the sky apparently by a surface-to-air missile. MAS reported that they lost contact with the flight at 10.15pm on 17 July 2014 when it was at the south eastern tip of the Ukrainian airspace not from the Russian border.
298 lives were lost in an instant. It is the families and friends who are left behind who need to bear this exceptional tragedy.

On hind sight, any plane that flew along this flight path could have been the one to have been blown off from the sky since surface-to-air missile launchers were brought into this part of the war zone. We should never forget these 298 people in MH17 who did a heroic service for humanity by "sacrifying" their lives to eliminate the risk that all other flights may have to face when flying across air space of war zones.

To the families of the 298, all right thinking people involved in the investigation have a duty to find out the truth behind this horrendous tragedy or crime.

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