Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Mobile Alarm Clock

Now back to KK, I have to get back to the usual habit of switching on my alarm in my handphone just before sleep.


Back in Perth for three weeks, the need for switching on my handphone alarm was unnecessary as I was awaken daily by a mobile alarm clock. Without fail, this "clock"- my grandson Nathan would come to open the bedroom door between 6.45am and 7.15am carrying a toy or a book. The alarm came in the form of "Kung-kung, wake up!". Then, he would move to the other side of the bed saying softly, "Popo, wake up!". He would then jumped into our bed nudged in between the grandparents playing with his toy or reading his book.

As usual, once he was done with the toy or book, he would turn to Popo, "Popo, can I have e-pad?". If that was denied, he would turn to Kung-kung. "Kung-kung. can I have e-pad?". The answer was 10 out of 10 a yes!


Min said...


Anonymous said...

Ahh....... I miss those morning calls. Those warm snuggles and whispers of : Po Po ........ May I .......T

jenQker said...

hey dad, go check out this app- lumosity. it apparently helps to enhance the brain performance in a fun way.