My Church is organizing a Marriage Enrichment Course for married couples. Course content was projected on the LCD screen to encourage couples to register.

Session 1 - Building Strong Foundations
Session 2 - The Art of Communication
Session 3 - Resolving Conflict
Session 4 - The Power of Forgiveness
Session 5 - Parents and In-Laws
Session 6 - Good Sex
Session 7 - Love in Action
The counselors met yesterday at Suria Food Court after the church morning worship service to have informal discussion about this course. One part of the conversation went like this:
Chairperson: "I will take the first session. Now please volunteer which session each pair of counselors would like to take charge of".
Looking at what's down the list, I quickly shouted: " I will take Session 2".
By then, the rest of the counselors knew the predicament they would be in. They all joined in pleading.
All: " Beside Session 2, you should take Session 6 as well, this is the majority's decision".
Me: "No way! No way! I have already volunteered for Session 2".
All: "You have to take this because you are the most suitable. Beside we give you absolute authority to decide what you want to do".
Me: "That sounds fair. Now all of you, be prepared when I call you to share your experience".
That created a bit of a shock wave. They retorted: "While we give you absolute right to do what you like, we also have the absolute right to decline".
I was speechless!
Still, the fact remains: Many people still find it difficult to talk about the subject on Sex even one has years of experience!
Oh dear... You guys kena arrow by everyone. I'm sure you will rock that session. I was told by one couple that you and mum are considered the 'best' counsellors in the group! Though to be fair everyone should take turns to lead different sessions for variety and to learn from each other
my response to the majority... -___-"
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