Tuesday, November 11, 2008

There is a Time for Everything

The months of October and November seem to be favourite for wedding. We have just under ten invitations. Unfortunately, some we won't be able to make it because of timing and distance - we will be away in Perth!

So far, I find the marriage of Marsha to Luis Garcia, a Chilean almost material for a movie! A Malaysian Indian verses a Chilean. English speaking verses Spanish. Geographical wise, each comes from opposite side of the globe.Time of falling in love-3 months when this Luis fellow went to NZ for a student exchange program. To pursue his love, he resigned from a well paid job in Santiago after graduation and flew to Australia so as to be near to his dream girl. The story ends well- this Luis was offered a job in Australia to work in Kuala Lumpur. That makes Marsha's parents very happy indeed.

Well, when you are truly in love, you will do crazy thing ! Like this Luis fellow. Of course, some went to the extreme like King Edward VIII who gave up his kingdom for a non- English and non- royal socialite all in the name of love !

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