Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Reaching New Height

I was surprised when Yin Khun handed me a number of laminated photo's yesterday in my office. Mind you laminated photo's! He told me Ar. Shim passed him these photo's to be passed on to me. Ar. Shim also asked YK to let me know that Innotech's door is opened for Sam to join them at anytime.

Wow, I felt honoured and proud that my son has reached such a level of professional standing and demand.


Serenely said...

Wow! You must have almost burst your buttons with pride at that moment.

Likewise we in Australia are very proud of you Sam!

Would have been good if you were wearing a nicer shirt, hehehe ^_^

...but as they say, any kind of publicity is still good publicity

Anonymous said...

i was cissed off that the boards were not arranged properly.
by the way, thats a nice shirt!