Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Reaching New Height

I was surprised when Yin Khun handed me a number of laminated photo's yesterday in my office. Mind you laminated photo's! He told me Ar. Shim passed him these photo's to be passed on to me. Ar. Shim also asked YK to let me know that Innotech's door is opened for Sam to join them at anytime.

Wow, I felt honoured and proud that my son has reached such a level of professional standing and demand.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Christmas Tree

Somehow, putting up a Christmas tree enhances the spirit and festivity of Christmas in a home. There is this nostalgia and reminder of good times that we as a family has gone through.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Don't Work Yourself to Death

A few days ago, I heard this piece of news in CNN reporting about one Japanese who literally worked to his death.
This Japanese, an employee of Toyota Motor Corp worked non-stop everyday and clocked more than 100 hours of overtime every month. It was reported that by the time he came back home, he was sometimes so tired that he hardly had strength to carry his kid and just fell asleep. One day, he just collapsed and died of a massive heart attack.

My first reaction after hearing this piece of news was thinking of Sam who seemed to work equally hard. Well, my only advice : "Take it easy, don't work too hard but work smart". You know what, work can never be finished. You complete one, the next one is already there waiting for you.

Court rules employee worked to death | Oddly Enough | Reuters

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Airport that Really Tests Your Nerve

Pilots who land on this airport must be really gutsy!

The other amazing thing is the massive car parks below the runway ! Truly an engineering marvel.