Sunday, January 22, 2006

Thank God

I was looking at the annual year end card given to me at the closing of 2005 by a school mate who is also a church friend for more than 37 years.

He has been faithfully serving as the our church's Boys Brigade's captain for the last 31 years. This in itself is an achievement that I have not found an equal, at least in Sabah. What he wrote in the card though may seem plain and rhetorical to many, but to people who know him, it is statements that come from the bottom of his heart.

"......I asked that you think about what you are thankful for. Sometimes in life, it seems that we are always looking for something; hoping to gain or profit in some way. Rarely, however do we think about how we can give to other".

Saying "thank you" to those who have blessed us in some large or small ways is a beautiful gift from the heart, which does not cost us anything, and yet is tremendously precious.

Most importantly, let us not forget to thank God for creating the world and allowing us to live upon it.

Let us thank Him for the gift of being a father, mother, grandpa, grandma, siblings, friends and loving spouse.

Thank Him for the food on the table, the roof over our heads. Let us give thanks that we have clothes to wear and are reasonably healthy. Thank Him for our jobs and our modern conveniences, because in some places of the world, there are people who have none of these."



Serenely said...

And we are thankful for planes that can take us home in a few hours for the best family reunion ever!

Alfred Lee said...

That's very true. We are waiting........