Thursday, December 31, 2009

Remove the Junks

The other day, I was having tea at the bread shop with two friends. One of them was saying how difficult it has been this year to get hold of the traditional 365-sheet tear-a-sheet-a-day calendar for 2010. He has been using this type of calendar since time memorial and found it inspiring and even soothing to tear a piece and read its content everyday.

He was proud to have collected boxes and boxes of all the screws he removed from the paper clamps year after year. At that moment, I was reminded of the typical hoarder who would just love to keep things (or junks as some would call them) under the usual pretext:

"Keep this as it may become handy one day" or
"This holds sentimental value" or even
" May be useful for the next generation".

The end result is that huge built-up area of the home meant for comfortable living becomes dead space piled with junks.

I remember in one of Oprah's shows when her invited guest who helps people to overcome hoarding problem has this to say:

"The question to ask yourself is not whether you can use the object, but whether you really will use the object. A good rule of thumb is that if you haven't used an object in over a year - say, you didn't even know it was there until you found it on the bottom of a pile - you probably can live without it".

One resolution for 2010: Stop the hoarding and get rid of the junks. May be easier said than done! Still, there is no harm trying.

Last Day of 2009

The last day of 2009 was spent in Keningau helping the "Pengarah" to inspect some of her projects. One item to look at was this flying fox.

Earlier, with the incident of the collapse of a steel-cable suspension bridge just two months ago in Perak still fresh in the mind (Read here), I advised the Pengarah to make sure the contractor who was commissioned to build the flying fox to have his design endorsed by a Professional Engineer. Mind you, that collapse cost the lives of two innocent young students! That was another typical case of "Malaysia Boleh " or rather "Tidak Boleh" !
Had it not because of the lack of pulley, I would have probably swung into action ^-^ Just like the picture below!
We also inspected the new Jungle Trial which I think will be nightmare for many incoming freshie trainee teachers. There is this single-person survival camp (spend a night in the "jungle" with 3 matches, one egg and a handful of rice only) which hopefully will not discourage aspiring students from pursing teaching career!
Imagine what it would be like if those young ladies and men drop into this larvae and tadpoles-infested pond while trying to cross it by hanging onto the suspended pipes!
The Pengarah was contemplating how to set up a rope trail across this bamboo grove.
One thing came to mind: Becoming a teacher is becoming more and more challenging but hopefully also fun-filled!

For adventurous visitors to Keningau, you will be assured of exciting time !

Friday, December 25, 2009

2009 is Ticking Away

Dong Zhi, Winter Solstice (冬至)

"Dong Zhi indicates the “arrival of winter”. Coinciding with the winter solstice, it is an occasion for the family to get together to celebrate the good year that they have had.

Unfortunately, we did not have the sweet soup of glutinous rice flour balls -
Tang Yuan. It was said that eating Tang Yuan is symbolic of family unity and prosperity.
Maintaining Christmas tradition and remembering old time

Christmas Eve Thank-giving Dinner

Friday, December 18, 2009

Coming of Age : Tai Chi Master

".......recently one of my contractors has been shooting out emails trying to blame the architects for the cause of the delay in their works and evade from their responsibilities. Assessing such erroneous claim is a very tricky thing. In some ways... it could be a trap"

When I read this comment, I knew that this professional has come of age. This also reminded me of the movie "Just Follow Law".
Some call this management skill, some call this tai chi skill... One thing for sure, you do need this occasionally to survive!

And what is a professional: One who tries his best and works hard, no guarantee on the reliability of the product, fee is chargeable no matter what !

Saturday, December 12, 2009

My Blood is Boiling

It can drive you nut when you call and call and sms and there is no response. Wonder what's the point of having a hand phone !
Then there is this case of a total stranger keeps on calling and bugging me through the hand phone. It all started when a site staff of one of the site offices who drove the company's vehicle and knocked one unfortunate fellow's car.

This victim must have called our staff countless of times for the police report and for his insurance claim but without success. Then there is another staff who chose the easy way out of passing the boss' hand phone number to the victim to allow him to pursue his case all the way to the top. The funny thing is that this staff has since gone silent and was unreachable when he also conveniently decided to switch off his phone.

I told the person-in-charge in no uncertain term to get the report from him by whatever mean by Monday morning latest so that the poor soul can have his case settled.

I hope the ringing will stop.

Hand phone, a curse and a blessing !