Monday, August 31, 2009

Tennis is in the Gene

After going through some of the old photos, I now realise that tennis in fact is in the gene....
At a tennis court in Fraser's Hill in an
overnight stay in 1973.
At a tennis court in Fraser's Hill in an
overnight stay in 1973 with KC Ho .
The "tennis coach" who is wearing a in cap back then in the previous old photo as he is seen now.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Ex-5th Collegians Reunion -We Were Given Time to Meet Again....

The reunion of the Ex-fifians Christian Fellowship at the NECF Office premise was punctuated throughout with laughter. We had good food and talked about the long gone years of group funs, outings, celebrations, day-dreaming of our future then .... Of course, there were also moments of sadness and tears especially during the closing prayer when some knew deep down in our hearts that by the next time we meet, some may not be around. In fact, a few in the group had already left to be with the Lord.

As we browsed through old photos, we couldn't hold our laughter and sighing at the same time.
At Fraser's Hill in 1973.
In 1973, we had an overnight outing to Fraser's Hill. In this group photo taken behind the place of accommodation, I was third from left. My future wife was at my left. Believe me, there was no spark between  them then. They eventually got married in 1978 and raise a new family.

In 2009, by coincidence, the 4 ladies captured in the earlier photo at the middle portion of the group in 1973 were captured together again. I am not in the photo as he was the cameraman then!

Colourized photo.
At the waterfall in Fraser's Hill in 1973, I am not sure whether the 2 ladies were "shocked" by the chilled water or by the sight of the couldn't-care-less half naked man happily taking a bath in front!
The 2 ladies now.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Happy Birthday to My Wife

I finally had the chance to take the birthday girl to a belated meal at Wagamama, a Japanese Restaurant at Lintas Square tonight. Sorry no snap shot was taken due to the big crowd in the restaurant. We might look very san-ba if we started taking shots at the dishes!

After the meal (which was good), we adjoined to another outlet at Lintas Plaza for desert. As usual, I had to help to finish the tau fu hwa she ordered !

You can tell she really looked happy !

Wednesday, August 05, 2009